An Unfortunate Mishap

A minor setback, but none the less a setback.  I did not realize I had set my Wetterau Food Services warehouse flat too close to the workbench.  Isopropyl alcohol and scenic cement inadvertently dripped down on the building flat when I was bonding scenery material to the micro layout.  The printed cardstock was damaged and will have to be replaced.  Unfortunately I had printed the original brick sheets with low ink cartridges, so the color variation will be impossible to match.

I was able to peel off the old brick face and sanded the foam core backing to prepare it for the new brick face.  The cardstock on the left is the full-color printout, and the cardstock on the right is a grayscale printout. I will be using the full-color printout and will be sure to print several extra sheets just in case this happens again.  Lesson learned the hard way!

Happy modeling
