Weekend Modeling Project 2/22/2013

 A few years back I found a couple of packs of Rix's highway overpass kits at an antique store.  I don't remember the exact price, but they were really cheap.  I bought them not realizing they only contained the overpass kits without any bridge piers.  

I built a set of piers out of styrofoam and used these on an older version of my Owensville Terminal Railroad layout.  I never was really happy with the look of the piers, so I tossed them in the trash when I tore down the layout.  

I decided to use the overpass structure on my current micro layout, "The Car Shop."   I need to come up with a new set of piers, but I am not wanting to spend the $20.85 price tag it would cost to purchase three piers from Rix.  Don't get me wrong, I like and have used several products from Rix.  I just wanted to come up with a cheaper alternative for this layout project.  Enter SketchUp and basswood strips.

I sketched up a generic bridge pier using SketchUp (see above photo).  I based this plan from a photo I found on the Internet of a highway overpass pier located on the Katy Trail in Missouri.  The Katy Trail is a bike trail built on the former MKT Railroad's line through Missouri.  The plan is to build the piers from strips of 1/2" and 3/8" basswood.  I will need to seal the wood (several options available) to hide the wood grain and then paint it a concrete color.

That's the plan, now I need to get busy and build it!

Happy Modeling!
