I'm working again on an old micro layout I started back in 2016. It has been sitting in a garage for the last 3 years. I brought it inside and started working on plastering the baseboard. I used patching plaster to fill in the areas around the rock castings I installed back in 2018. I also carved several of the rock faces as the patching plaster dried. Next, I colored the rock surfaces.
The soil in Washington County, Missouri is quite red due to high clay content. The red soil is very stark when viewed on location. I used a burnt umber as my primary color on the rock surfaces to give them a reddish tint. This is much more pleasing to the eye than the actual rock color of the prototype location.
Patching plaster applied |
Leopard Spotting with acrylic paints |
Yellow ochre applied |
Raw umber and burnt umber applied |
Black wash applied |
I'll be adding additional scenery materials in the near future instead of waiting another 3 years to work on it. 😀
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